About the Journal

Serial Title

plaNext-Next Generation Planning, also abbreviated as plaNext.

Aims and Scope

plaNext-Next Generation Planning is an international peer-reviewed open access e-journal, indexed in Google Scholar and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The young academics network of AESOP founded plaNext to provide prospective authors with an opportunity to engage their ideas in international planning debates as well as to make their research available to the wider planning audience. plaNext invites authors to submit original work that includes: empirical research; theoretical discussions; innovative methodologies; case studies; and book reviews on selected books, textbooks, or specific topics dealing within planning.

Publication Frequency

plaNext is published annually.

Open Access

plaNext is an open access publication. All work part of plaNext falls under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Work may be copied, shared and distributed when authors are properly credited. Any amendments to the original work need to be shown. This agreement does not directly or indirectly endorses third party views or how the information is used in other formats.

Author Processing Charges (APC)

plaNext doesn't have article processing charges (APCs).

Article Submission Charges

plaNext doesn't have article submission charges.


Authors can archive the pre-print and post-print versions of the work they have submitted to plaNext, including the pdf version of the article (the so-called publisher's version) that is available on this website. Authors are explicitly free to copy and redistribute the work they have submitted in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and build upon the work they have submitted to plaNext for any purpose.


plaNext grants you the right to publish the metadata of the series, its issues and articles under the terms of the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0).

Journal Policies

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding the following policies.
plaNext Editorial Board Contact: planext@aesop-youngacademics.net

Ethical Policy

plaNext core values are based on democracy, the equal value of human beings, human rights and freedom and free and open discussion. A detailed statement on the journal ethics can be found here.


plaNext is committed to fostering an ethical environment with regard to authorship and co-authorship attribution. Being a journal by and for early-career researchers, plaNext is particularly attentive to guaranteeing that co-authorship is managed correctly in situations where the authors have relations of supervision or similar. Despite not being a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), plaNext encourages authors to follow COPE guidelines for determining co-authorship and resolving disputes. See, e.g., COPES’s guidelines on “How to handle authorship disputes: a guide for new researchers”.

Changes in authorship during the peer-review process are discouraged. In case they are considered to be necessary, a request should be made to the Editorial Board. In cases of request to add new authors, it is generally expected that this is made on the grounds of specific reasons (e.g., empirical or theoretical competences necessary to the review of the manuscript).

Open access policy

All manuscripts published in plaNext are published Open Access. Open access publication means that the article is freely and permanently available on the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) digital platform (http://journals.aesop-planning.eu/) via which all plaNext volumes are digitally published. Published manuscripts are thus freely and permanently available to the general public for comments and discussions.

Article full text, metadata and citations may be crawled without special permission or registration. We ask that where you reuse content you attribute the original source e.g. by citing doi and linking to the published article on the journal website.

At present, plaNext has been awarded funding from AESOP and there is therefore currently no fee levied on authors to publish with plaNext. There are also no subscription fees, article pay-to-view fee or any other form of access fee and no publication embargo is applied.

Copyright and authors’ rights

plaNext allows the author(s) to hold their copyright without restrictions. plaNext also allows the author(s) to retain their publishing rights without restrictions.

All contributing authors are asked to grant plaNext the right to publish her or his article as the final, definitive, and citable Version of Scholarly Record. Authors are required to sign an Open Access Article Publishing Agreement to facilitate this. Publishing under the CC BY licence allows others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. Authors do however have the choice of opting for the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial Licence should they so choose. Reuse conditions will be subject to the license type chosen by the author.

Authors sign an exclusive license agreement are granted the rights to: share their manuscripts in the same ways permitted to third parties as long they contain the DOIs of manuscripts; retain patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights (including research data); proper attribution and credit for the published manuscript. plaNext is granted the rights to: publish and distribute manuscripts when authors submit signed copyright agreements; grant rights to other publishes who do not have commercial purposes; provide the manuscripts in all forms and media so the manuscripts can be used on the latest technology even after publication; to enforce the rights in the manuscripts, on behalf of authors, against third parties, for example in the case of plagiarism or copyright infringement.

Review policy

plaNext publishes several types of manuscripts, with different review policies:

  • research articles (peer-reviewed);
  • essays (shorter articles, reviewed by the Editorial Board and/or issue editors);
  • editorial introductions to special issues (reviewed by the Editorial Board);
  • forewords (reviewed by the Editorial Board);
  • book reviews (reviewed by the Editorial Board);
  • other types of manuscript (reviewed by the Editorial Board).

plaNext uses the following principles during the review process of the research articles:

  • Timing – preprints (the articles are reviewed before publication);
  • Identifiability – reviews are double-blinded;
  • Mediation – editors mediate all interactions between reviewers and authors;
  • Publication – peer reviews are not published;
  • Facilitation – reviews are facilitated by the journal;
  • Ownership – reviews are owned by the journal.
  • Decision – editors decide on acceptance based on reviews.

For full information regarding plaNext’s review system or on how to join plaNext as a reviewer please refer to the guideline for reviewers, available through our website.



plagiarism refers to intentional copying of others works or when authors do not provide appropriate references when copying text from other sources. It misrepresents ideas, words, and other creative expression as one’s own. Plagiarism appears in various forms.

  • Copying the same content from the other source. Purposely using portions of another author’s paper or content.
  • Copying elements of another author’s paper, such as figures, tables, equations or illustrations that are not common knowledge, or copying or purposely using sentences without citing the source.
  • Using exact text downloaded from the internet.
  • Copying or downloading figures, photographs, pictures or diagrams without acknowledging your sources.


Submitted manuscripts to plaNext are understood as being original manuscript, unpublished work and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. For this reason, plagiarism represents the violation of copyright law and plaNext does not tolerate it.

All manuscripts submitted to plaNext for publication are checked for plagiarism, not only before review but also during after review. plaNext judge manuscripts on case basis. The editorial board alerts the author(s) if plagiarism is detected at any stage of publications, including review, editing, acceptance and proofediting.

The procedures are based on the extent of plagiarism.

  • Less than 5% of plagiarism: revise and resubmit.
  • Between 5-30% of plagiarism: major revision and resubmit. In the cases of 1 and 2, the board demands them to rewrite the content or to cite the references from where the content has been taken.
  • More than 30% of plagiarism: rejection without review. For this case, authors who are willing to make significant changes will be provided with an opportunity to make new submissions.

If plagiarism was found by the editorial board after publication, the board will contact the author, author’s institute and funding agencies. Depending on the extent of the plagiarism, the paper may also be formally retracted, and the pages containing the plagiarism will be marked.

When found by the original contributor(s), plaNext expect them to report the plagiarized content to the editorial board. Reported cases will be evaluated. When plagiarism confirmed, authors will be notified to make revision. Papers are removed from the journal’s website until revision was resubmitted and reviewed.


It is certainly possible that authors plagiarize without knowing. plaNext views plagiarism as the responsibility of author(s), including the differentiation between quoting and paraphrasing, as well as the proper citation of materials. Authors may need to refelect on self-plagiarism. Generally, it refers to the verbatim or near-verbatim reuse of significant portions of one’s own copyrighted work without citing the original source. Note that self-plagiarism does not apply to publications based on the author’s own previously copyrighted work (e.g., appearing in a conference proceedings) where an explicit reference is made to the prior publication. Such reuse does not require quotation marks to delineate the reused text but does require that the source be cited.


Scopus (decision of acceptances to Scopus was made in February 2025; it will take some time until the articles published in plaNext will be added to the datebase)


Google Scholar


2468-0648 (online)


plaNext is financed, owned and published by the Young Academics Network of AESOP.

Open Access provider

SOAP | Stichting OpenAccess platforms