Exploring Human Well-Being and Community DynamicsVol. 13 (2023)
This volume of PlaNext includes manuscripts presented at the 16th AESOP Young Academics Conference ‘In Search of Well-Being in Liminality: No Longer-Not Yet’ that took place in Istanbul between April 5-8, 2022, in addition to one research paper which was submitted to plaNext through its regular open calls. This paper raised important questions to the topic of this volume. All papers use different perspectives on notions of ’well-being’ and how they can be achieved, following a comprehensive and holistic perspective under the liminal and uncertain conditions that cities experience today. The topic is timely and inspiring. The call for conference papers attracted more than forty original papers. The editors of this volume invited ten manuscripts, following the nomination made by the chairs of sessions. But the process of publication remains challenging for many young academics. This is mirrored in the number of manuscripts that were eventually published in this volume. The contributions went through a rigorous peer-review process managed by an editorial board.
2023-06-24 -
Governing the Unknown: Adaptive Spatial Planning in the Age of UncertaintyVol. 12 (2022)
This volume of plaNext includes manuscripts presented at the 15th AESOP-YA Conference “‘Governing the Unknown: Adaptive Spatial Planning in the Age of Uncertainty”, Tirana, Albania, March 29 - 2 April 2021. The call for papers attracted forty original papers. The editors of this volume however invited ten manuscripts, following the nomination made by the chairs of sessions. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and its dramatic impacts on all walks of life only six contributors were able to complete and submit their top-quality manuscripts. Their contributions explore a range of complex matters that challenge but also inspire the “governing of uncertainties”, reflecting on topical debates in academia and planning practice. Their contributions explored new planning ideas and technologies that can be further developed to facilitate a sustainable transition towards (more) adaptive planning. The authors’ contributions went through a rigorous peer-review process managed by an editorial board. This board consists of: Prof. Rudina Toto, from Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development and key-speaker at the 15th AESOP-YA conference; Elisa Privitera, from the University of Catania (Italy) who is a member of both plaNext Editorial Board and of the coordination team of YA-AESOP Network (2020-22); Mafalda Madureira from the University of Twente (Netherlands) who is member of plaNext Editorial Board; Pinar Doerder, formerly chair of the YA coordination team; and Kejt Dhrami, who is member of Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development and coordinator of planning studies in the Faculty of Urban Planning, Management and Environment at Polis University, she was also one of the local organizer of the AESOP YA conference in Tirana.