Conflicting agricultural territories and unsolved public problems: The case of Val di Non in Italy


  • Francesco Galli IUAV University of Venice,Università Iuav di Venezia image/svg+xml




territories of monoculture, planning, social conflict, public problems, European policies


Beginning with UN Agenda 2030, the European Commission has recently adopted many strategic policies, such as Farm to Fork, Biodiversity Strategy, and Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). These documents set up important objectives to cope with environmental and climate challenges. The study uses a quantitative and qualitative research methodology to provide an empirical analysis of the land-use changes and landscape modifications in an important area of apple production in Italy, such as Val di Non in the Trentino Region. The aim is to reflect upon the gap between policy formulation and implementation through spatial planning. Recently, some of the most important Italian agricultural associations protested against the forced reduction of the use of pesticides set in place by new common policies. A closer look at our case study tells us that the local system of production is unlikely to change if territorial planning does not problematize the rising social demand for more sustainable policies and practices in agriculture. Some empirical implications suggest the need for planning tools capable of addressing social demand. In other words, creating conditions for mutual interaction between planning and practices to imagine new ways of living together in a territory of monoculture.





Research article


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