Constructing situated data at Brazil’s urban periphery
insurgency, infrastructure, redevelopment, situated data, BrazilAbstract
This paper focuses onhow insurgenciesare continually recastin parallel to State-led redevelopment or 'upgrading'. It brings attention to communities that shape and are reshaped by inclusion of data in processes through which citizens participate in city-making. Drawing onacomparative casestudy of intensively upgraded informal settlements in São Paulo, Brazil, findings show that data-based insurgencies have been forged from prior collective action. The resultant co-created or situated data challenge the State’s legitimacy as sole arbiter of informal settlement representation and infrastructure transformation in cities. In this context, the term infrastructural insurgency is proposedas a way that socio-materialagencies iterate over time and in space, and to stimulate discourse about the future of upgrading. Itreflects onwhich interactions between data and redevelopment can inform planning in post-redevelopment conditions across global south.
Copyright (c) 2021 Kristine Stiphany

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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